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The flags of Austerlitz - Fine Art

The flags of Austerlitz - Fine Art

2 December 1805 ... It had been a terrible day, but the French army's victory was total,
dazzling and indisputable. It was an extraordinary legendary moment, certainly one of the
most glorious of the 1st Empire. The black smoke that obscured everything gradually
dissipated, revealing the now famous Austerlitz sun. Led by General Rapp, infantrymen and
cavalrymen, drunk with joy, brought their trophies to their idol, more than 40 Russian and
Austrian flags whose condition often reflected the hardness of the fighting. Brought to Paris,
these emblems would soon adorn the vaults of Notre-Dame.


  • Number of Editions: 30 all sized confused
  • Including a numbered certificate of authenticity placed on the back of the Artwork
  • Technique: Sublimation
  • Framing: Aluminium or Wood 40mm thickness
  • Delivery time: 3 to 4 weeks (produced at order)
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